Decrease in In-Store Time
Decrease in Reporting Delay
Their merchandising team of over six hundred field reps were communicating journey plans and data delivery to management through Whatsapp and E-mail. This method of communicating wasn’t actually providing them any way to coordinate, consolidate, and visualize the data collected.
It was a major bottleneck to the operations of the Anabil Group’s quality assurance team and caused an extreme delay in the ability to take action in a fast paced market.
Moving from a pen and paper structure to the Shelvz ecosystem has given the Anabil Group the ability to eliminate two thirds of their field operation management time. They are now able to spend two thirds of their time focusing on insights on their clients’ market and the ability to recommend possible actions to react to the market.
The Anabil group would assign the journey plans of a fleet of 600 field representatives across 2,500 stores in days and is now completed in just under two hours. Tracking their merchandising team was a near impossibility and flawed due to no data-fraud protection and data verification. The Shelvz mobile app tracks and monitors their field team activity to ensure the maximum data accuracy.
The Anabil Group has spent over two years using the Shelvz retail execution software, and has decreased their average in-store time by thirty percent during that time. From an average in-store time of an hour and a half, to an average of one hour, their merchandising team are able to complete more visits and increase their total market coverage. Decreasing their in-store time and increasing their coverage also reduced their operational loss.
The Anabil group are now able to communicate data with the clients faster and creating various internal reports for their clients has been streamlined. “Weekly reports used to take me two hours. Now it takes me like thirty minutes to develop a whole new report. It also gave me and my team time to think about new ways on how we can use Shelvz and the data provided and how we can be creative with it.”
“Using Shelvz as operation and project quality managers, we are able to demonstrate to our clients how we are ahead of the competition in terms of field team management and reporting.”
-- Ibrahim Awada,
Quality & Opertaions Manager
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